Review into my intervention
A review of my intervention. I've had to remind my self that my intervention is the work I'm currently doing with my Target Group/ALL Group. This intervention (ALL), when reflecting and preparing for the week ahead looks like this: 1. Looking at the needs of my learners - Analysing student output, discussion, ideas and participation from the week. - Evaluating what needs to be taught (stick with same Learning Intention or change). Student voice collected at certain points within the term to encourage student driven learning. - Once the teaching goals for the week has been decided, I unpack how my students are going to be able to achieve their learning goal specific to a reading strategy (comprehension). Because my intervention (ALL group) is a group of Y5 & 6 boys who are working just below their expected level, I am always trying to think of creative, hands on ways to introduce new concepts and keep them engaged. - Plan and use the ALL ...