
Showing posts from June, 2020

Professional Reading #3 -

Title of Book/Reading/Study Programme Best Practices in writing instruction (2nd edition) - Chapter 1. Designing an Effective Writing Program Author/s or Lecturer/s or Speaker/s Edited - Steve Graham, Charles A.MacArthur, Jill Fitzgerald Motivation The motivation for this reading is the want to improve my Writing programme. As part of my role as a CoL teacher, I am inquiring into raising the achievement of my students in Literacy, with a specific focus on writing. How will it help me? How has it helped me? Key takeaways and what it means for me:  • Foster a love for writing. Establishing a good mood for writing in the classroom is important.  • Make student writing visible - display on walls, share to newspapers i.e. Toitoi • Have high but realistic expectations for writers • Provide enough support for my writers so that they can write i.e. use of models, teacher sessions, word banks, front loading, peer support, word cards   • Student Voice about topics they ...

Professional Reading #2 - Effective Literacy Practice

Title of Book/Reading/Study Programme Effective Literacy Practice Y1-4; Deliberate Acts of Teaching Author/s or Lecturer/s or Speaker/s Ministry of Education Motivation The motivation for this reading is the want to improve my Writing programme. As part of my role as a CoL teacher, I am inquiring into raising the achievement of my students in Literacy, with a specific focus on writing. How will it help me? How has it helped me? Every time I read this section of the book, I learn something new. My key takeaways for this reading this time round are: Modelling; I need to do more of this and use more models of writing when I am introducing or teaching a new strategy/skill. GRR, Gradual Release of Responsibility is how I aim to do this.  I write . We write. You write. I Write is where I model effectively. Giving Feedback; Hattie describes feedback as the most powerful single factor that enhances achievement. If I think back to one of my hypothesis 'IF I choose specific ...

Professional Reading #1

Title of Book/Reading/Study Programme How can a makerspace in the school setting support increased motivation, engagement, and achievement for Pasifika and Maori learners? Author/s or Lecturer/s or Speaker/s Rebecca Bishop and Savelina Lepou Synopsis An article report on a teacher-led inquiry at Mt Roskill Primary School from 2016-2017. Teachers worked with a group of Pasifika and Maori students to deveop a learning environment and use pedagogies inspired by the makerspace movement. Data on students' engagement and achievement levels indicated positive development in the key competencies, practical skills, and learning behaviours of these students. Through student voice we discovered what learning strategies were of benefit to these students. Motivation Professional reading was shared with me by Christine T as a part of our CoL inquiry. How will it help me? How has it helped me? The important takeaways from this article • Make students a part of the process (the planning, the doing...