Adapt and Change
Restate your inquiry question and your theory of action/chain of events My inquiry question is a 2 part sandwich; "How will being culturally responsive in my teaching and an integrated approach to teaching and learning accelerate achievement?" The focus of my inquiry is to be culturally responsive in my practice for this group of boys. In order to do this successfully I will seek information, relevant data to build a picture/baseline information on my group. We will start with teacher guided sessions with the aim to have our sessions fully run by the group. The aim is to work together with students, 3-4 times a week where we plan and create a shared authentic learning experience for the whole school. As a result of this, student engagement and motivation increases, they see themselves as learners, but also as carriers of knowledge, much like our 'Ava analogy as shared in our Manaiakalani Teacher Only Day Presentation . Describe how you will collect information about ...