RPI Day 1

Reading Practice Intensive Day 1 (Teacher hat on) Today has been a great way to reflect on my own understanding of the kaupapa and pedagogy of the Manaiakalani Reading Programme. The benefits of having a common practice reading model is that it creates a space for consistency to grow and happen, but also to identify areas of development and support that may possibly be needed for teachers within our school. So, how can we build a common practice reading model that is consistent across our school so that it serves our readers and creates a community of tauira who love to read? R - Recognise A - Amplify T - Turbo charge Recognise - Data shows that there is a consistent pattern around the teaching of reading and that the needs of our children aren't being met or amplified. The great thing is we identify and recognise this as an area that needs our attention and therefore now, can focus and inquire into the teaching and learning of reading and build a community of readers. Ampl...