Next Steps for Hiss Hass Hoos Boys
Sitting in a lockdown thinking about the next steps for my Hiss Hass Hoos Boys While in lockdown we will connect online, during the school day . The goal is to support them in their learning tasks as well as check in on their well-being , how things are going generally. This will give me an indication of who may need other support. The aim, when we're back at school is to use ALL strategies to support the boys in making tracks in their writing. A few years ago, my colleague Christine Tupou had real success with her ALL group in writing and the boys that I have this year, present very similar abilities and struggles in their learning. I aim to replicate this and apply it to the group. What she did was > GAP ANALYSIS - identifying what they were able to do, where that fit in writing matrix and then identifying where they're expected to be (Level 4). > Sharing that with the students - she did the same thing with her target students, and unpacked, compared the...