In class support - How it's going so far
At the end of term 1, I met with DP of school A to discuss what support was needed and to start thinking of a plan forward. At this talanoa, two teachers had been identified as needing support in teaching maths and this was driven by their current data.
• Data - their current data for Years 5 & 6 were an area of concern.
• Planning - access was shared with teacher planning and overviews for the upcoming term.
• Next steps - what I could offer as support for these two teachers and what the next step would look like for me, coming in to support these teachers.
I spent the next few weeks looking at their planning via their class sites, unpacking what maths concepts and strategies were being planned for and what the new learning would be for students. We were initially meant to start with classroom observations Week 1 of term 2 but unfortunately had to be rescheduled.
My findings in the weeks spent unpacking their planning through their class site
• Students grouped based on ability
• Planning on site didn't meet the needs for all learners (Stage 1-2 up to Stage 7)
• No differentiation. All students were doing the same thing.
• There was a focus on fractions
I spent some time observing in the classroom. The purpose of this was to gain some baseline data/information; routines, classroom culture/attitudes around Math, strengths and areas for development.
After observing - my findings
• No differentiation. Students all did the same work, and some struggling without having the extra support. In one class there was TA support. Students did the same work as the whole class.
• A guided maths group for support ended up being a sorting of 'fraction shapes' then being distracted by the early finishers of the whole class task.
• The work on the site was only used in one class. The other class had done something completely different.
• Work was done on random sheets of paper, which were then thrown in the bin. As one child said 'It's all good Miss, we always throw it away'. The question is then, how are their ideas and learning being tracked? To show progress, gaps, next steps.
My identified next steps identified for teachers and I will support them in this:
• Planning. The needs of their learners were not being met through the planning shared on their class sites. The what and the how. This one is abit tricky as each school will have their own expectations on the what and how, so as I work with these teachers I will plan effectively, highlight and identify the what and how, so that they can have an example of effective planning and in return then have the shared resources to be able to plan specifically for their learners and their needs.
• Classroom maths programme - Unpack what an effective maths programme includes. Again, this is a tricky one as schools will have their own expectations.
• Teaching - using the planning and the resources available to teach new strategies, maintain knowledge and build on what students already know.
In thinking about how my observations have gone and being in class to support and model maths teaching, my priorities initially were to support the teachers in making a change to the way that they plan and then support them with teaching these mathematical concepts in class. After reflection and talanoa with my people, the priority has slightly changed. Each school will have their own expectations and ways of planning and as much as I want to disrupt that course, because I know that a change is needed, this term I will do this by modelling, sharing and using my example of planning with these teachers, highlighting key parts of effective planning i.e. differentiation, learning intention for new concepts, teaching sequence and resources. By doing this, I am sharing with them a model/example of what an effective maths programme looks like and can be like, because at the moment everything is whole class. Another outcome of effective planning; less behavioural issues. Both these classes require tough and consistent behaviour management strategies. Through effective planning and meeting the needs of the learners, this will become less of an issue. This is an ideal change of teacher practice. If I can support these teachers to make these connections and see the importance of the change needed in their planning, then this will be a step in the right direction.
Heading into next term, another year 5 & 6 class will open. This means smaller classes - great. From discussions with their teachers, it sounds like they are going to do teaching in a way where each teacher will focus on a specific curriculum area i.e. Maths, Reading, Writing. This new classroom teacher will lead the maths. My support next term with this change may not be needed anymore, however my next steps are:
1. Meet with DP or TL and identify what their math focus is for next term
2. Continue to share my planning with the team and in-class support on Wednesdays, until they say otherwise.
3. Set some observation dates for early - mid next term to help me identify what my next steps are in supporting them.
4. Keep an up to date record of my reflections - for accountability but also growth.
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