PLD - Aro Tåkaro (Maori Kemu in the classroom)
If I was to summarise the key things I took away from this Professional Development what would they be and why?
The adaptation of traditional Maori Kemu in an educational setting isn't as hard as I think it is.
Kupu and tikanga can be practised in all learning settings and that we shouldn't be afraid of getting it wrong.
How has this professional development challenged my thinking?
That I may be overthinking Maori Tikanga practises in regards to Maori kemu - the 'Oh, I shouldn't do this because ...' or 'I don't think this is culturally appropriate' but this PLD was permission in making adaptions, however, paying the respects and acknowledging the change/adaption in the teaching of the kemu.
What aspects of my practice would I consider changing as a result of this professional development and why?
The sourcing of resources, encouraging the use of traditional resources over store bought and encouraging sustainability in the creation and maintaining of the resources that we use in our kemu.
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