2022 Inquiry - School Visit

 Meeting Type

Meeting to visit another ASCoL and talk transition programmes


My inquiry this year for ASCoL is looking into establishing a transition program into high school. Not having one established previously, I am exploring and looking into schools that have successful transitition programmes to help me create and establish one for our learners.

So What?
I am WAAAYYYY behind in terms of my inquiry.
Key Takeaways
• Don't limit myself to just working with Tamaki College. Look into other feeder schools and identify what knowledge, habits, awareness do our students need to know to help them start off the Year 9 year with a BANG!
• Relationships relationships relationships. Start building relationships with these schools. Get in there and get to know staff, students and Year 12 students that could potentially be mentors for next lot of year 9 students
• One stop shop HUB for our staff (and possibly other schools) that will help inform and support teachers of Year 8s.
• Create a 'Hi, welcome to Tamaki College etc' resource (digital/book) for year 9s outlining key information (principal, teacher, key vocab, timetable reading etc)

Next Steps

• Reach out to other local high schools and see if this is something they'd like to be a part of or allow me to come into the school and observe/talk with Year 9 Dean.
• Go back into Tamaki college and continue to build relationships. Look at building relationships with Year 12 students that can support Year 9s next year.
• Start looking into 'Welcome to Year 9' resource
• Collate feedback from Tamaki Teachers


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