2022 Inquiry - Readings

Transitioning to high school involves more additions and changes to curriculum and the structure of learning. This journey of learning has higher stakes - the impact of academic and assessment achievement on future plans. There are a number of studies conducted in New Zealand that highlight the importance of transitions in supporting student achievement and success. 

While reading the following pieces, the biggest reflection I've come realise that I'd been putting this huge focus and emphasis on support our students and whānau in getting our learners prepared for high school but our schools play an important part as well. Transitions shouldn't be seen as just enrolling into high school or a one off event where students spend part of the day at a high school. No. Our transition programme should be weaved throughout and is a process that takes time. As a school we have a responsibility in setting up our Year 8s for a successful start to high school.

Student-teacher relationships are very important in supporting a successful transition. Teacher preparedness and ability to support students during this transition has proven to support an increased academic commitment along with an improved social and emotional wellbeing. All of which are linked to a greater motivation to learn. Therefore, when we think about the transition, it's so important that our teachers, on both ends, primary and secondary are prepared to support these learners as they journey through this transition. 

Being culturally responsive and fostering a sense of belonging in the classroom demonstrates respect and value and it also builds on the relationship and connection which our learners will need to enhance that successful transition. 

As with any transition, there are always challenges. Key challenges and issues that students can face during transition are academic challenges, social challenges and emotional challenges. Our role in this, as teachers is to minimise these barriers and issues. How - stay tuned. The following below is taken directly from 'The transition to secondary school - The Education Hub' and is a great way to measure a successful transition: 

Six key factors
1. Students experience a sense of belonging, are included in school wide programme and activities and seek opportunities to be a part of a group.
2. Their teachers show an interest in them and their interests, and recognise their strengths and areas in need of development 
3. They feel their culture is valued and acknowledge
4. They are offered opportunities to try out new interests and skills 
5. They make progress academically 
6. They can envision where their learning pathway leads beyond secondary school
*These 6 factors will be the things we measure and collect over time. 

What does this mean for me? 
As a school, we are not supporting our learners in a successful transition. The transition our learners take isn't just the responsibility for our families, in actual fact, the responsibility is ours. Enrolling them into school is one aspect, however the actual journey of transitioning is much bigger than that. From 'The Transition to secondary school - The Education Hub the role of us, the primary school are as follows: 
- Arrange visits to secondary school
- Invite local high school to visit 
- Support families with the enrolment process 
- Communicate relevant information regarding transition to parents and whānau 
- Share important information about learning and achievement with all parties (student, family, secondary school) 
- Ensure that secondary schools are aware of learning, emotional, mental needs of vulnerable students 
- Support students to prepare for the new academic requirements and expectations of secondary school by introducing topics, concepts, ideas that they may encounter at high school, equip them with organisational skills such as timem anagement and homework, prepare for the changed expecations in regards to rules, behaviours and classwork, being open and clear that their social and friendship groups may change. 

From this, COMMUNICATION, RELATIONSHIPS and PREPARATION are the key themes that are coming through. While I know that we haven't got a transition programme, we have made a start and are already doing some of these things. Now to crack on to the rest and setting this transition programme up so that we are setting up our learners for SUCCESS! 



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