2022 Inquiry - Findings and wonderings
It's always been an interesting thing to me - the idea of transitioning into another space and the time and effort or lack thereof that we put into these things to set us up for success. Transitioning into spaces is an ongoing thing in life and through this inquiry and process, I aim to identify and address some of these barriers for our learners, whānau, and school in supporting them to transition into high school and explore ways of setting them up for success.
- It's currently May and although we are only the fifth month into the year, I've started talking about high school options for 2023 and the responses I've had from our students is that 'high school is ages away Miss. Too early to start talking about it'.
- After sending out a google form to our Year 8 whānau and students, only 7 parents out of the 31 responded. Because of the low intake, I also sent this out to our students and 11 of these students completed this. What I wanted to find out was
a) what high school options have been discussed
b) if discussions have even started with them
c) how many students will go to Tamaki College and remain in the Manaiakalani Cluster
d) who we feed into
- Keep conversations going with our Year 8s about high schools in 2023
- Identify and create list for those who are going to Tamaki College 2023
- Keep google form open to allow whānau to complete
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