Data Digging
Data Digging
Data digging with my colleague and fellow CoL Teacher, Christine Tupou. We looked at PAT Data for Maths, Reading and Writing and compared our school data with that of our cluster. We also looked at our Data over time and compared End of 2017 data with End of 2018 data.
- There is a decrease in those achieving Below the expected level in Reading and Writing, however, there is an increase in those achieving Well Below.
- There is a decrease in those achieving At the expected level in Reading and Writing, however, there is an increase in those achieving Above the expected the level.
- There is an increase in those achieving Below the expected level in Maths, however, there is a decrease in those achieving Well Below.
- There is an increase in those achieving Above the expected level in Maths, however, there is an increase in those achieving Above the expected level.
- Maori Achievement isn't good - why? What are we currently doing? What are some new things that we can try?
More of our questions than answers:
- What are we currently doing in our classrooms that is or isn't contributing to student achievement
- What can we do to enhance accelerated progress in our learners?
- How are we using formative assessments to inform our planning and next steps for learners?
- How are we using standardised testing to inform our planning and next steps for learners?
- Are our OTJs accurate? What are we using to make this judgement?
- OTJs vs Formative assessment - what provides more insight? What is being measured?
- Did the ALL intervention in 2018 for writing prove to make discernible impact?
- How consistent are the teachers in evaluating formative assessments?
- Are our formative assessments being administered correctly? Are they consistent?
- In Maths, there was a decrease of students working Well Below, Below and At the expected level, however, there was a huge increase, from 5% to 23% of students working Above the expected level. Was the teaching approach in Maths (mixed ability) beneficial for students who were working At or Above expectation? Is there a need to have this in Maths programmes across our school?
- In Reading, what balance (if any) is there of actual books and texts vs digital texts are there? Does this have anything to contribute to the decline and slow rate of acceleration in Reading? How are reading strategies being taught in classes? What questions are we asking our learners? What activities do we offer our learners to support new learning? What programmes are currently happening in our classrooms for students who are reading Well Below e.g. Phonics? How many of our learners in our Senior and Middle School are working Well Below and need this extra support - how are we giving this to them?
- How can we continue to make great shifts in our Writing? What did we do in the past year that really gave our students a great push in their learning?
Overtime, the inclusion of our Target Students and groups (through ALL and AiLM) will contribute to making accelerated shifts in student achievement. This, however, all starts with the changes that I am going to make in my teaching practice.
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