2022 Inquiry - The domino effect

The domino effect  A causal chain is like the domino effect, if I make one change then I hope the rest will follow, you push the first domino over and the rest just topple down afterwards

The focus of my inquiry is 

How can I support my Year 8 students transition into Year 9 and achieve success?

What changes in my teaching practice are going to lead to this change 

  • Professional readings and research

  • Collecting & analysing data - Observing what is currently happening in our setting that supports the transition for our Year 8 learners Observing Year 9 habits and movements Student Voice - worries and concerns for our Year 8s heading into Year 9, tips and advice from Year 9s for our Year 8s End of Year data for current year 9s. This will be compared to this year's end of year data.

  • Use the comparative data to identify patterns and students who achieved accelerated progress. 

  • Start the conversations of high school now! Don't wait for term 4. 

  • Be proactive in Year 8 enrolments and follow up with families who have not responded. 

As a teacher, what I need to focus on is

  • Collection of data and analysis of data that will inform my implementation of transition support.

  • Reflection, what is working or has worked and what hasn’t worked and why not, time to be honest

  • Being present and engaging with Year 8s in class discussions and conversations.

  • Supporting Year 8s and Whanau in getting their child ready for Year 9.

What I would like my students to focus on is 

  • Being present and engaging in class discussions and conversations, being a participator rather than an observer and listener 

  • Add in discussions topics students are passionate about and want to talk about

  • Have an open and honest conversation with students about worries & concerns about high school and transitioning into a new school.

  • Mentally preparing themselves for high school

End Goal 

  • Students feel successful and ready to start Year 9.

  • Families to have ample time and are aware of High School options from early on


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