2022 Inquiry - Designing the intervention
With my inquiry into supporting our Year 8 learners in a successful transition into high school, we do not currently have a program that effectively helps this. My intervention focusses on supporting our year 8s to transition successfully into high school next year. This intervention is called 'High School Term'. While aimed at our Year 8s, part of this will include the years 5-7 as well. This will be an opportunity for our younger students to start mentally preparing themselves for education in high school. This intervention will focus on preparing Year 8s for high school by:
- Connecting with current Year 9s at Tamaki College for a Q & A session with our current Year 8s
- Connecting with whānau and following up 2023 enrolments
- Meeting with Year 8s weekly for 45 minutes with a focus on specific elements of high school. This will be structured but also provide our Year 8s with an opportunity to ask questions and provide suggestions for what they would like to focus on in the coming weeks. Draft Term 4 Transition Lessons - Google Doc - A week in term 4 called 'High School Week' that will focus on; - moving around the school for different learning areas - different teachers for different subjects (English, Maths, PE/Sport whānau room) - reading your timetable - being prepared for your classes; taking your bag with you, having your device, books and pens with you - homework tasks
I have strengths in communication and relationships with our students and also their whānau, so I aim to use this to help support this intervention. What I've learnt throughout this year is that a lot of families aren't aware they are not in zone for many of their 'first choice' schools. This has left them feeling a bit defeated and without options. Heading into the new year, I aim to take this learning and start promoting high school options as early as Term 2. Because this is the launching pad of this transition, I have started to collect data that will help determine the effectiveness of this intervention. Data - Control Group 2021 GTS Year 8 students who are currently at Tamaki College. This is their Beginning of Year data (Year 9 2022). As our control group, I will collect EOY data for these students and then repeat the same process with our current year 8s. This will be the start of our collection of Year 8 students' data.
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