PLD: Boys in Literacy - Cracking the code with Marshall Diggs


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Name of Course/Programme/Seminar:

Boys in Literacy - Cracking the code


Marshall Diggs

If I was to summarise the key things I took away from this Professional Development what would they be and why?

  • You can have control or you can have growth - but you can’t have both.
  • Position myself to fit the needs of my boys. Make myself uncomfortable so they don’t have to be.
  • Greatest contribution is not what you teach, but who you teach
  • Boys will not invest into learning until I invest into them
  • Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind
  • Boys like competition but not when it exposes their inabilities
  • Light fires not fill buckets
  • It’s not what you teach but who you teach
  • Interest based - not curriculum based
  • Repeat, restate - but don’t rephrase

How has this professional development challenged my thinking?

Didn't really challenge, rather affirm what I'm doing with my boys.
- Experiences to build language for writing
- Relationships!
- Firm. Fair. Fun. In this order.

What I do need to do more of is MOVE MOVE MOVE!

What aspects of my practice would I consider changing as a result of this professional development and why?

Moving around more during lessons - Activating both sides of the brain, moving about and keeping the blood flowing! This will help with my boys!
Speak lower and slower ;) - Don't rush. This is getting better I feel, but something that I still need to work on. Knowing that it's ok to go slow, not rush and to repeat it if necessary.
Repeat and restate - don't rephrase. I often will take them not responding as not understanding, so I'd rephrase my instruction or question.
Make myself uncomfortable so that my children aren't. Thinking about how I ask questions and who is answering, always keeping the likes of my Drevyn's and Faiva's at the centre.
Having more of the texts that my boys are into (humour, facts, competition etc), integrating it into my Literacy and LCS programme. Spending more time in our school library so that they can access these books, which will be building their daily 5 book boxes. Win win!

Boys in Literacy PLD Notes


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