2022 Inquiry - My inquiry focus - so what's it gonna be?

 After our PLG on Thursday and the chance to talk with other CoL teachers from across the cluster, there is a need within my own school as well as across the cluster for a transition programme that supports our whanau and tamariki who are moving from Year 8 into Year 9 at Tamaki College. 

There are a couple of reasons as to why this has been my selected focus for the year
- There is currently no transition programme within my school that supports this transition
- There is currently no transition programme within our cluster that supports this transition into Tamaki
- Tamaki isn't always the first choice high school for our families and a lot of our children end up here because they miss out on out of zone schools due to not enrolling on time. 
- This helps build and strengthen the relationship between us and the family as well as supporting them as they start to move over to Tamaki College. 
- I spent time in Term 4 last year online support families through the application process, often last minute and past enrollment closing date. 

The plan for the start of the new term is to touch base with Amber down at Tamaki to start building that relationship. Some of things I'd like to ask would be about their expectations and things that would help support the Year 9s. By knowing what they are expecting, I can help support our children and family to be in their preparation for the start of the school year. This information will also be useful to pass onto our Year 7 & 8 teachers as this will support them in the teaching and preparation of our year 8s in the classroom. 

I'm excited for this new challenge! 


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