2022 - Checking in on my inquiry

We're now sitting in the end of May and thinking back on the past month here is the break down of what I've done so far ....

- Asking people that I know if they have transition programmes currently operating in their schools. 
- Setting up school visits. The firs one we had set up was with a school in the North Shore. They are a primary (Y0-6) and although they aren't Year 8, I wanted to explore the principles that they have. What has worked. How they've made changes to fit their school and whanau. I'm more interested in what hasn't worked either. 
- Setting up school visit with Tamaki College to understand what Year 9 teachers want our students to head into high school with (behaviours, learning). I'm also keen to get in and observe behaviours of year 9s, how they transition, patterns etc to help build a picture of what is currently happening. This is set up to happen in the next couple weeks. 
- I'm currently exploring the best ways to communicate and collect information with our families of Year 8 students who are going to Tamaki. 

I know that there is a lot that needs to be done. I will continue to work on collecting information and getting into Tamaki College to observe and build relationships. 


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