Blog Post #5 - Describing my process for developing my hypothesis

Throughout the course of the year (term 1, home learning, current) I've had many conversations with our Senior Leadership Team around what would best help our school and teachers. These conversations together with data analysis, talanoa with my fellow colleague and CoL teacher, Christine and teaching practice has shown me that there is a need to focus on making a change in my teaching practice to help shift student achievement in writing.

To develop my hypothesis I used Aaron's 'What is a hypothesis?' to help me get in the right head space and to clarify my thinking about my inquiry.The 'If...then' formula shared on this slide helped me to identify the following as my hypothesis.

  • IF I provide real life, hands on, authentic learning experiences, THEN my students will have rich ideas to write about.
  • IF I see my target students 3 times a week for focussed sessions (deeper features for writing) THEN I can provide them with specific, structured sessions that will allow me to give relevant and timely feedback/feedforward.
  • IF I teach my students at Level 3 of the curriculum THEN we are working faster to bridge the gap in their learning.
  • IF my planning shows integration, THEN my students will be working across the curriculum, thus providing them with more opportunities to consolidate new learning.
  • IF I choose specific features of writing to focus on for the week e.g. vocabulary, THEN this will allow them to see the progress/next steps of their learning in writing.


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