Self Reflection - Google Hangouts Observations

Poto Faalili 2020-05-04 @ 1:50pm uploaded

Christine Tupou 2020-04-04 @4;30pm uploaded

What did this observation really make me think about in my own teaching practice?

Pace - I am going WAY too fast for my learners! This is why I am ALWAYS having to repeat myself numerous times to the same kids (Layarnah, Lance, Marcus, Faiva). After watching Christine's video and the time that she spends explaining expectations and work is a timely reminder that I NEED TO SLOW DOWN! Each of my calls have at least 10+ learners so need to re-establish expectations around muting and cameras.

- Are my questions specific enough for my students to be able to think about specific learning task/activity? I'm not sure. I do know that I need to change the types of questions for different students.
When asking Drevyn questions, before he leaves the call, rather than asking him 'Do you know what to do?' and get the typical answer 'yes', even though it may not be a yes, asking him to tell me specifically what he is going to work on after this call gives me a better idea of if he understands what to do.

Purpose - I liked how Christine explained the why behind their letter writing learning. So, my takeaway is to try and do this more with my class. Explain WHY we are doing what we are doing.

As a result of this professional learning what might I change about my own practice and why?

**See above
Pace - SLOW DOWN in giving my instructions
Questions - Be specific. Ask questions that will force learners to be specific about their learning task and that will force them to think about what we are doing.
Purpose - Explain WHY we are doing what we are doing


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